A happy and contented life can be had outside the watchtower?
That's not what I've been told...
(good for you. Well done!)
someone suggested i post an introductory thread.
i am a married, rather young grandma of four precious rugrats, ages 2-9. i guess our only child son and his only child wife didn't want their own kids to be "onlies".
my other half and i married rather young (18 &22) and will be celebrating 31 years together this summer.. i am sort of add, keep thinking i am still 28, love my husband now more than ever, and am so glad i woke up and left the crazy cult.. my husband and i began studying months after marrying and then decided to take the dunk.
A happy and contented life can be had outside the watchtower?
That's not what I've been told...
(good for you. Well done!)
hi, my apostate friends.. a couple of weeks ago i asked for some advice regarding studying methods.
then some of you asked me to let you know my score after i take the exam at mineralogy.. i scored 90%.
i'm pretty happy with it because the exams i take are not in my native language.. if i keep up with the good scores i might get a scholarship and then bye bye watchtower society.
Man! That's great, I read every word of the "how to study" thread, very interesting. I was wondering how you did. Good for you! Making plans is SO much fun, best of luck matey..
i think if there isnt one already, there should be a scholarship for ex-jws to get a college education.
i dont know exactly what would be the qualifications to win the scholarship or where the money would come from..
Man . That's a great idea. I'd LOVE to change career, no, scratch that, HAVE a career, but there's no way I could afford uni now.
Even the open university is way too expensive for me right now. Of course, when I was a teem, college and A levels would've been free, but no, menial part time work was pushed....
so the rc really sucked, but i made it through.
the propaganda was mind blowing.
i don't know if the crap will be available on the official website or not, but hopefully it gets leaked somehow.
Mister dog , you virtually spoke my mind in your rant. Ours is not the exact same situation, but it's similar enough for me to empathise a lot. Hang in there dude, you're far more eloquent and knowledgeable that I am, you'll sort it out. (I'm taking courage from this, if it affects you then I shouldn't be surprised that the same thoughts are plaguing me too... ) Take care Bro
their website provides snippets on progress in a section called fast facts-worldwide...but for all the pizzaz, it's outdated.
they give the worldwide memorial attendance for last year (19,241,252) - which was less than in 2011, but do not tell us the current year's worldwide attendance - even though it was almost 2 months ago.
doesn't that make the snippets slow facts-worldwide?
They couldn't be trying to draw search results away from jw facts could they?
i was out trolley witnessing today.
i specifically wanted to ask jws about holy spirit, and how it guides them.. i had someone with me as usual, so jws had to be polite and answer my questions.
as we approached the trolley, an elder from my kh was there, just recently moved in.
A great read, not too long at all... Good work madam! If every trolley witness got a talk like this every time they went out, SOME would eventually start to think and reason for themselves, as long as it's done calmly and reasonably like this...
how many of you have ever observed no votes in kingdom halls?
especially for spending on stuff?.
i've actually seen a few close votes but i is my experience unusual?
It's generally pointless as the majority will win out. I tried to reason against a major expenditure that was circuit wide, but got shot down in flames. I also know of an elder that produced a list of questions at a CIRCUIT elders meeting, complete with financial figures outlining the reasons against what was being proposed. He was right. But outvoted. Majority vote wins. Unity for all YAY!
its unbelievable to me that one verse in the bible blows up the entire jw dogma and its amazing to me that with all this bible reading we jw's did we missed it.
even faders and people who quit for many reasons missed it.
what verse am i talking about it verse 9 of chapter 5 of revelations.
Very. Very stupid. There's your answer.
its unbelievable to me that one verse in the bible blows up the entire jw dogma and its amazing to me that with all this bible reading we jw's did we missed it.
even faders and people who quit for many reasons missed it.
what verse am i talking about it verse 9 of chapter 5 of revelations.
Communism? Give up already, join an anti Communism party or something... And OP - How stupid were we? I still am.
i have a genuine question for the jw apologist.
what is your scriptural justification for your unquestioning obedience to the governing body and your unwillingness to question their intepretation of scripture?.
If there was to be no hierarchy or authority then how do we understand all the requirements for overseers in paul's letters? Hebrews 13 says about being obedient to THOSE taking the lead , to me that indicates more than one, and the fact that they have to render an account implies humans in positions of authority . Sorry to nitpick , I agree with all your other points !